Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Why They Are So Important
Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA and ALA) support primary brain function, eye function, reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health and mood balance as well as help with anxiety.
They are harder to find in food. Plant-based sources of flax and chia seeds, nuts and kale, spinach, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage. Salmon (wild-caught), trout, mussels, oysters, flounder, shrimp, and clams are good food sources for omega-3s.
The Standard American diet of processed foods and meat and dairy from grain-fed animals as well as higher sugar intake yield minimal quantities of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and higher amounts of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.
FUN FACT: Countries with the highest consumption of fish have the lowest incidence of depression, suicidal behavior, aggression and violence. Why?! Increased levels of Omega 3!!
EPA and DHA in particular help reduce pro-inflammatory prostaglandins which constrict blood vessels, improving circulation and increasing oxygen delivery.
The Mediterranean diet is a popular one, as it is higher in omega-3s in nature. FUN FACT: Studies have shown this population has less sexual dysfunction too! (More on that later!)
FUN FACT: Omega-3 supplementation is also shown to improve cognitive function in kids (supplementing amounts helps with ability for children to focus and pay better attention and also helps with ADHD).
Hopes this helps you!